Hardcore Fitness

Fixed an app that was annoying me.

What: My gym’s daily scheduling app

The pain point: Too many clicks and circles to go in, resulting in wasted time.

Who: For me and all the other HardCore Fitness gym users

How: I took the time to interview fellow gym goers to see how they use the app and see what pain points they had. Hardcore fitness is a group fitness gym where every day of the month is a specific workout (Monday leg day, Tuesday arms, Wednesday conditioning, etc… and it shuffles throughout the week/month.) I discovered there were features we all used and features most of us didn’t use (which I decided to leave untouched). I kept getting similar feedback “I wish I didn’t have to go to an external site to see what type of workout was for the day.” Now, initially you’d think it doesn’t totally matter what type of workout is scheduled that day, if you’re just committed to going to the gym. The thing is, if it’s leg day, you want to be wearing flat shoes and probably not Nike’s. You’d rather squat in some converse or vans so you don’t lose your balance. But if it’s conditioning day, I don’t want to be running in converse. Basically, you don’t want to show up to class with the wrong pair of shoes, so everyone checks the schedule. Unfortunately, to check the schedule one has to go to an external site and navigate to the proper day to see what the work out split is. I fixed the app design so that when you book a class, the name of the class incorporates the workout type so you know what shoes to wear immediately when you book it, no extra clicks, no wasted 30 seconds, because every macro counts with these people.


Before (how to see the workout type and book a class)

After (how to see the workout type and book a class)

The icons got an update.
Arrangement of buttons is for most frequently used items to be in comfortable range of the thumb.